Today, March 8, 2017 – International Women’s Day – the Center for the Study of Women in Society at the University of Oregon stands in solidarity with women across the United States and the globe to illustrate the indispensable role women play as workers, caregivers, and overall members of our society and participants in our economies. As is the case internationally, here in the U.S., women are a vital part of the foundation and fabric of every facet of our country; without women, there is no business as usual.

This day of resistance also sheds light on the lower wages, sexual harassment, discrimination, job insecurity, and unequal caregiving responsibilities that all women face and shoulder in this country, which are often amplified and increased for women of color, poor women, disabled women, LGBTQ and gender-nonconforming women, and single women.

Today, CSWS is not open, and our staff is not in the office. We will return to our offices and to our important roles in the campus, local, regional, national, and international communities and economies tomorrow.

In the meantime, we invite you to learn more – and participate, if you are so moved – at https://www.womensmarch.com/womensday/.