Grants and Fellowships
The Center for the Study of Women in Society maintains a number of grant programs to support the work on women and gender initiated by University of Oregon faculty, staff, and students. By providing these highly competitive grants and fellowships, CSWS consistently has supported many important research projects at various stages of development and enriched programs in all sectors of the university. The Center has offered research funding to faculty and graduate students at the University of Oregon for more than 40 consecutive years.
Current Grant Deadlines:
- Undergraduate Summer Fellowships — the CSWS STEAM Summer Fellowship funds one undergraduate student per academic year to conduct a cross-disciplinary project under the supervision of a UO faculty mentor in arts and science fields.
- Research Grants — These grants include Faculty/staff Research Grants, Graduate Student Research Grants, and the Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship. Read about the research of previous grant recipients.
- Graduate Student Travel Grants — These small grants (up to $300) are being offered for UO graduate students giving a virtual or in-person presentation at a conference or a workshop related to women and gender during the academic year.
RIG Funding and Special Projects
- RIG Funding: CSWS offers small grants to faculty and graduate students to organize interdisciplinary working groups focused on particular themes for the academic year. Working groups will provide participants the opportunity to discuss readings and share their research. Funding may be used to pay for reading materials, food, and visits by scholars. Groups are encouraged to use working groups as the foundation for future conferences and symposia, course development, and publications. Deadline: May 1
- Special Projects: Special project funding provides seed money for projects with well-formulated, collaborative ideas and plans from affiliated faculty members, RIG members, or CSWS staff. Special projects are those that have potential for either: (a) external funding (like the Fembot Collective or the Northwest Women Writers’ Symposium), or (b) activities that will make them sustainable parts of CSWS (like the Women of Color Project or the Northwest Women Writers’ Symposium). Deadline: May 1
Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship
- Beginning Fall 2017, this fellowship is administered and housed at UO Libraries Special Collections and University Archives. For more information go to: https://library.uoregon.edu/special-collections/le-guin-fellowship
Co-sponsorships of Speakers & Events
NOTE: Requests for co-sponsorships are suspended for the current academic year.
- Apply for co-sponsorship support: CSWS provides limited, supplemental financial support of speakers and events on campus that include scholarly and/or creative work from a range of disciplines on topics that address the complicated nature of gender identities and inequalities. CSWS’s Director will evaluate all requests and determine the amount, nature, and source of CSWS’s contribution(s) to campus events. A prime consideration in making a decision to support any request will be an assessment of the initiative’s relationship to CSWS’s mission and programmatic goals.