Impact of Imagination on Society Award to Ursula K. Le Guin
Impact of Imagination on Society: Ursula K. Le Guin
The 2013 Arthur C. Clarke Award for Impact of Imagination on Society was presented to Ursula K. Le Guin, author of science fiction and fantasy works for adults and children, on 22 October 2013 in Washington, D.C. Shelley Streeby, director, Clarion Writers’ Workshop at University of California, San Diego, made the presentation.
“Feminist Futures” — 2013 CSWS Annual Review now available
If you are a CSWS faculty affiliate, research interest group member, supporter, contributor, or UO administrator, watch for the 2013 CSWS Annual Review in your mailbox.
Telling Stories Truly
Telling Stories Truly |
Ursula K. Le Guin to speak at CSWS anniversary
Documentary Premiere: “Agents of Change” at CSWS 40th Opening Celebration
EMU Ballroom, UO campus map 1222 E. 13th Ave. Reception: Fir Room Event Schedule (PDF)
CSWS 40th Anniversary Promo Video
Produced by Pamela Cressall. Special thanks to OR Media, UO School of Journalism and Communication.
Sally Miller Gearhart “Worlds Beyond World” Symposium: Feminist Utopian Thought
EMU Ballroom UO campus map Full schedule PDF. For more information about 40th anniversary events, go to:
“Degrees of Freedom: Intimacy, Slavery, and Legal Mobilization in Colonial Latin America” with Professor Michelle McKinley
Lewis Lounge, Knight Law Center 1515 Agate St. UO campus
How to Peer-Review Multimodal Content
Digital Scholarship Center Knight Library & via Google Hang-Out
The nature of peer review is changing, as authors experiment with new modes of knowledge production. On 17 January 2014, 1-3pm PST, the Fembot Collective will host a workshop that explores how we review and peer edit multimodal content.
Renewing Feminisms: Radical Narratives, Fantasies and Futures in Media Studies
Sonia De La Cruz, PhD student, UO School of Journalism and Communication, is a contributor to Section 2, “Lived Feminists identities,” of the newly released book Renewing Feminisms: Radical Narratives, Fantasies and Futures in Media Studies, edited by Helen Thornham and Elke Weissmann (London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013).
Supported by a CSWS Faculty Grant, a new journal article by Ellen McWhirter: Latina Adolescents’ Plans, Barriers, and Supports
Ellen Hawley McWhirter is the Ann Swindells Professor of Counseling Psychology; Director of Training, Counseling Psychology Program. The following article, published in 2013, is the result of a research project made possible by a grant from the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society. See also a related article in the Winter 2009 edition of CSWS Research Matters.
CSWS Affiliate Anita Weiss co-PI of $1 million grant for university partnership in Pakistan
UO receives $1 million grant for university partnership in Pakistan | AroundtheO.
Anita Weiss is professor and head of the UO Department of International Studies.
Celebrating Forty Years: Anniversary event to showcase feminist research, activism, and creativity
University of Oregon Erb Memorial Union 1222 E. 13th Ave.a
Six CSWS Faculty Affiliates among Those Chosen to Receive the Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards
Six CSWS faculty affiliates were among 14 UO faculty chosen to receive the Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards for AY 2013-14. Each recipient will be awarded $20,000 in recognition for his or her research, teaching and leadership. They are:
Publishing Roundtable in Latino/a, Latin American Studies, and Gender
Hendricks 330 Jane Grant Room 1408 University St.
For junior faculty associated with the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS), Latin American Studies, Ethnic Studies, and the CSWS Américas Research Interest Group
Janis Weeks Brings a Grand Challenges Explorations Grant to UO
Janis Weeks, a CSWS faculty affiliate and professor in the UO Department of Biology, Institute of Neuroscience, and African Studies Program, is the first UO researcher to be awarde