
FEMBOT: Ada, Issue 7, Open Call CFP

adalogo-1Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology |  Issue 7, February 2015

Ada is a publication of Fembot, which is a special project of the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society.

Inaugural Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellow Visits UO Campus

2014_Le_Guin_Fellowship_flyerCanadian scholar Kathryn Allan traveled to Eugene in late May to carry out her research project, “Locating Dis/Ability in Utopian Feminist Science Fiction.” Chosen as the inaugural Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction fellow, Allan spent 10 days in the Univ

Feminist Museum Blog

This graffiti board was one of several items on display at the Feminist Museum.

CSWS helped support the Feminist Museum’s first pop-up exhibition, on display at LaVerne Krause Gallery in early March 2014.