“Hollywood, the Sexual Violence Factory,” by Carol Stabile and Jeremiah Favara
Ms. Magazine Blog, November 23, 2015—“Hollywood, the Sexual Violence Factory,” by Carol Stabile and Jeremiah Favara
“G-Men Masculinity: The FBI’s War on Broadcasting,” a CSWS Noon Talk with Carol Stabile
VENUE CHANGE: Knight Library Collaboration Center, Room 122 1501 Kincaid St., UO campus
Q&A with Carol Stabile, interim director of CSWS - Research and Innovation News
From the UO Office of the Vice President of Research & Innovation, an interview with Carol Stabile in the enewsletter Research and Innovation News.Source: Q&A with Carol Stabile, interim director of CSWS - Research and InnovationCarol Stabile, professor of journalism and communication, was recently appointed interim director of the Center for the Study of Women in Society.
James Braxton Peterson’s lecture “A Song, A Slogan, and A Service: Dispatches from the Movement for Black Lives” | UO Media Channel
Source: James Braxton Peterson’s lecture “A Song, A Slogan, and A Service: Dispatches from the Movement for Black Lives” | University of Oregon Media Channel
Marjorie Woollacott, “Infinite Awareness: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind,” book event
1st location: Knight Library, Browsing Room 1501 Kincaid St., UO campus 2nd location: White Stag Building, Portland
CSWS Noon Talk—“An Army of Some: Recruiting for Difference and Diversity in the U.S. Armed Forces”
Jane Grant Room, 330 Hendricks Hall 1408 University St. Flyer PDF
New survey on sexual climate suggests more awareness of services is needed
Source: New survey on sexual climate suggests more awareness of services is needed | Around the O
August 21, 2015—A new survey on sexual victimization issues at the University of Oregon reaffirms previous findings that there is a need to increase awareness about available services, while decreasing negative perceptions of institutional support.
Science article features Geri Richmond's efforts to remove career barriers | Around the O
Editor's Note: Professor Geraldine Richmond is a CSWS faculty affiliate.
Source: Science article features Geri Richmond's efforts to remove career barriers | Around the O
Ellen Herman named new Faculty Codirector of the Wayne Morse Center
Editor’s Note: Professor is a long-time CSWS faculty affiliate.
▶ UO Today with Novella Carpenter - YouTube
Published on May 20, 2015 Novella Carpenter, a writer and urban farmer in Oakland, California. Her memoir Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer was published in 2009. Carpenter was a keynote author in “Our Daily Bread: Women’s Stories of Food and Resilience,” the 4th Annual CSWS Northwest Women Writer’s Symposium, held May 7th to 9th, 2015.
▶ UO Today with Diana Abu-Jaber - YouTube