Now Available, Fembot’s ADA, Issue 8: Globalization, Gender and the Digital

Ada2From the CSWS Fembot Special Project

We are delighted to announce the publication of Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, Issue 8, Globalization, Gender and the Digital, edited by Roopika Risam. Please share with your lists, tweet, post, and pin.
  • Contents Issue Introduction: Globalization, Gender and the Digital, by Roopika Risam [@roopikarisam] #digitalhumanities, #gender, #globalization, #intersectionality, #web2.0
  • Communicative Intimacies: Influencers and Perceived Interconnectedness, by Crystal Abidin [@wishcrys] #blogging, #influencers, #intimacy, #Singapore, #socialmedia
  • Rule-guided Expression: Gender Dissent across Mediated Literary Works, by Kristin Allukian [@KristinAllukian] and Mauro Carassai [@MauroCarassai] #digitalaesthetics, #digitalwriting, #labor, #protocol, #womeninliterature
  • Feminist Rhetoric in the Digital Sphere: Digital Interventions & the Subversion of Gendered Cultural Scripts, by Liz Lane [@fancyscholar] #activism, #cyberfeminism, #digitalwriting, #feministrhetoric, #socialmedia
  • Digi-Blogging Gender Violence: Intersecting Ethnicity, Race, Migration and Globalization in South Asian Community Blogs Against IPV, by Ishani Mukherjee [@Ishani79] #blogging, #genderviolence, #globalization, #intersectionality, #SouthAsiandiaspora
  • CultureNotFoundException, by Zachary Viet Pine [@hf7y] and Rodrigo Kazuo #code, #culture, #intersectionality, #photography, #software
  • Thrice Invisible in its Visibility: Queerness and user generated ŚKandą videos, by Nishant Shah [@latelyontime] #India, #queermalebody, #representation, #socialmedia, #visibility
  • Women’s Ways of Structuring Data, by Christine L. Masters [@_chris_masters] #data, #infrastructure, #tagging, #visualization, #womeninliterature