
Celebrating Asian American Feminisms

CSWS and the Women of Color Project joined the Department of Ethnic Studies in celebrating Asian American Feminisms and Women of Color Politics, a new anthology edited by Lynn Fujiwara and Shireen Roshanravan. The panel discussion and book celebration took place May 22, 2019, in the Alder Building Conference Room near the UO campus.

CLLAS Poetry Slam & Teach-In with Melissa Lozada-Oliva

A teach-in and poetry slam on the UO campus

CLLAS Teach-In: Language and Poetry as Resistance, October 9, 10am-11am, Knight Library Browsing Room

CLLAS Latinx Heritage Month Poetry Slam by Melissa Lozada-Oliva, October 9, 4pm-5pm, 240C McKenzie Hall

Celeste Reeb Selected as the 2019-20 CSWS Jane Grant Fellow

A committee of feminist faculty members unanimously selected Celeste Reeb as the recipient of the 2019-20 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship, awarded annually by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society to support a PhD candidate already advanced to candidacy in writing their dissertation on women and gender.

2019-20 CSWS Research Grant Awardees

CSWS is pleased to announce the recipients of our 2019-20 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship and our research grants for graduate students, faculty, and staff.

2019-20 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship

  • Celeste Reeb, Department of English, “Closed Captioning: Reading Between the Lines.”

2019-20 Graduate Research Awards

The 2019 Faculty Research Awards go to 24 UO scholars

Editor's Note: Six feminist scholars are among those who will receive OVPRI’s 2019 Faculty Research Awards. They are Sangita Gopal, Deborah Green, Jocelyn Hollander, Lamia Karim, Judith Raiskin, and Lesley Jo Weaver.

NALAC awards artist grant to Ernesto Martínez

February 20, 2019—Ernesto Javier Martínez has been awarded a $5,000 NFA Artist Grant from the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC). An associate professor in the UO Department of Ethnic Studies, Martínez is also a member of the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Advisory Board.

Four UO graduate students awarded CSWS Travel Grants

February 19, 2019—The Center for the Study of Women in Society selected four UO graduate students—Quinn Akina, Tara Keegan, Maggie Newton, and Carla Osorio-Veliz—as the recipients of our 2018-19 CSWS Travel Grants. All four will be presenting papers at conferences and will receive $300 each to support their travel expenses.

Alberto Mira: "Inocencia y experiencia: infancias diferentes en Estiu 1993 (Clara Simó) y Pa negre (Agustí Villaronga)"

Room 240C McKenzie Hall UO campus

A public lecture by , Oxford Brookes University

"Inocencia y experiencia: infancias diferentes en Estiu 1993 (Clara Simó) y Pa negre (Agustí Villaronga)"

Public lecture and QA: Wednesday March 6, 2019 3:30-5pm at 240C McKenzie

Additionally, there will be a workshop with graduate students and faculty: Wednesday March 6, 2019 12pm-1pm at Friendly 109.

Steven Marsh: “Cast Adrift: Zama as an Historical Film of Non-Arrival”

Room 240C McKenzie Hall

Public lecture with Q&A: Steven Marsh, University of Illinois at Chicago

“Cast Adrift: Zama as an Historical Film of Non-Arrival”

Public lecture and QA: Thursday March 7, 2019 3:30-5pm at 240C McKenzie

Workshop with graduate students and faculty: Thursday March 7, 2019 10am-11am at Friendly 109

Sponsored by Department of Romance Languages; cosponsored by CSWS and other UO units.

2018-19 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship winner Laura Strait to talk about her research

330 Hendricks Hall, 1408 University St., UO campus

Laura Strait, a Ph.D. candidate in Media Studies, School of Journalism and Communication, will give a talk about her dissertation research, “Occupying a Third Place: Pro-Life Feminism, Legible Politics, and the Edge of Women’s Liberation,” on May 30, 2019, in the Jane Grant Conference Room at CSWS, 330 Hendricks Hall. Strait is the recipient of CSWS’s 2018-19 Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship.

International Conference on Feminism/Theory/Film

For full information, go to:

Critical Intersections in the Practice and Theorization of Experimental Filmmaking since the 1970s

Author Sohaila Abdulali at Eugene Public Library

Downtown Eugene Public Library
100 W. 10th (10th & Olive)
Eugene, OR 97401
Free & open to the public

A talk by the author of the acclaimed book What We Talk About When We Talk About Rape, examining sexual assault and the global discourse on rape from the perspective of a survivor, former counselor, and activist.

CSWS End-of-Year Celebration

Redwood Room
Erb Memorial Union
1222 E. 13th Ave.
UO campus

The Center for the Study of Women in Society
invites you to an end-of-year celebration.

Sharon Luk: OHC Books-in-Print Talk

Sharon Luk, an assistant professor of ethnic studies, will present “The Life of Paper: Letters and Poetics of Living Beyond Captivity” on May 10 at noon, in Room 159, Prince Lucien Campbell Hall. Luk’s talk explores the “evolution of racism and confinement in California history,” including the early detention of Chinese migrants, the internment of Japanese Americans and the mass incarceration of African Americans.

Sponsored by the Oregon Humanities Center.

“The Home Planet," a play directed by Theresa May

Robinson Theatre, University of Oregon
May 24, 25, 31. June 1, 7, 8 @ 7:30 p.m. June 2 @ 2:00 pm.
General Admission: $10 Adult | $8 Seniors 65+ | $8 UO Faculty/Staff | $8 Non-UO Students Free for University of Oregon students