Room 240C McKenzie Hall UO campus
A public lecture by , Oxford Brookes University
"Inocencia y experiencia: infancias diferentes en Estiu 1993 (Clara Simó) y Pa negre (Agustí Villaronga)"
Public lecture and QA: Wednesday March 6, 2019 3:30-5pm at 240C McKenzie
Additionally, there will be a workshop with graduate students and faculty: Wednesday March 6, 2019 12pm-1pm at Friendly 109.

Dr. teaches at Oxford Brookes University. Among his many books: The Historical Dictionary of Spanish Cinema; A to Z of Spanish Cinema; and De Sodoma a Chueca. He is a leading, and very well known film scholar on Queer Studies and Iberian Cinema. His talk and research is precisely on Gender and Queer Studies in Film.
Sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages. Cosponsored by CSWS and other campus units.