graduate students

Q&A with Bryant Taylor

For two years, Bryant Taylor (PhD candidate, Indigenous, Race and Ethnic Studies) had a special appointment working as a Graduate Employee (GE) on our 50th anniversary events and projects. I had the opportunity to chat with Bryant about his time at CSWS before he left for a summer internship on an African American archival history project at Harvard University. Click this video link to watch a clip from our interview, and read the full conversation below. —Jenée Wilde

CSWS announces 2023-24 grant awardees

The Center for the Study of Women in Society (CSWS) is thrilled to announce funding awards for AY 2023-24 of $78,000 to support scholarship, research, and creative work on women and gender at the University of Oregon. A total of 21 research grants were given to 16 graduate students and five faculty members.