2013 Annual Review

“Funding Feminist Futures” by Carol Stabile, Director, CSWS

“For Love of a Feminist: Jane Grant, William Harris, and the ‘Fund’” by Jenée Wilde, PhD candidate, Department of English (Folklore), UO

“Research Can Serve as the Anchor for Feminism’s Future” by Áine Duggan, President, National Council on Research for Women

“Collaboration as a Challenge and Opportunity in Higher Education” by Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, UO

“Breaking with the Logic of a Botanical Graft” by Michael Hames-García, Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, UO

“Women in STEM — a Wakeup Call” by Miriam Deutsch, Professor, Department of Physics, UO

“Activist Research and the Fight Against the Polluter-Industrial Complex” by Shannon E. Bell, Assistant Professor of Sociology, UK

“Is Feminist Poetry a Thing of the Past?” by Maggie Evans, PhD graduate, Department of English, UO

“40 Years Strong: A Timeline of Feminist Research, Teaching, & Activism”

Publication Year
