Fall 2014
- 10/15/14 12-1.15 pm. Knight Library Browsing Room Fall 2014 African Studies Lecture Series: Women and Gender in Africa Beverly Stoeltje. Folklore. Indiana University. “Queen Mothers in Contemporary Asante in Ghana: Authority or Decorative Symbol?”
- 10/16/14 4:00 pm Beall Concert Hall, Frohnmayer Music Building, 961 E. 18th Ave., University of Oregon Mare Advertencia Lirika: Zapotec Hip Hop Artist to Perform
- 10/22/14, noon. CSWS Graduate Student Coffee – Jane Grant Conference Room, 330 Hendricks Hall
- 10/23, noon - 1:30 pm “Sacrificing Families: U.S. Policies and the Displacement of Central Americans,” with Leisy J. Abrego, Assistant Professor, UCLA César E. Chávez Department of Chicana/o Studies. Knight Library, Browsing Room, 1501 Kincaid St. Free & open to public, Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Américas Research Interest Group.
- 10/23 - 10/24 Globalization, Gender, and Development Conference
- 10/24/14 Panel: “Nature in Doubt: Intersex in a Chemical Era,” with Tyrone Hayes, Elizabeth Reis, and Kari Norgaard 250 Clinical Services Bldg., 901 E. 18th, UO campus
- 10/24 - 10/25 Herbicides and Community Health Conference
- 10/30/14 UO Disability Studies Forum Printable Flyer
- 11/4/14 12-1.15 pm. Knight Library Browsing Room, Fall 2014 African Studies Lecture Series: Women and Gender in Africa Jinny Prais, History/African Studies. Columbia University. “‘Who is Marjorie Mensah?’ The Educated Woman and the Formation of a Modern West African Nation”
- 11/17/14 12-1.15 pm. Knight Library Browsing Room Fall 2014 African Studies Lecture Series: Women and Gender in Africa Yvonne Braun, INTL/WGS. UO. “Networking for Women’s Rights: Transnational Organizing in Southern Africa”
- 11/19/14 Noon Talk: Grants Information Session with Q&A to learn how to apply for CSWS Research Grants with CSWS director Michael Hames-García and associate director Gabriela Martínez, Jane Grant Conference Room, Hendricks Hall 330.
- 12/3/14 Noon Talk: Michael Hames-García, director, CSWS, and professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, will talk about his current research, Jane Grant Conference Room, Hendricks Hall 330.
Winter 2015
- 1/21/15, 12-1 pm CSWS Noon Talk: Megan Burke, “Heterosexuality, Sexual Violence and the Temporality of Femininity.” Jane Grant Conference Room, 330 Hendricks Hall.
- 2/6/15, 4-6 pm Ileana Rodríguez-Silva Public Talk, Browsing Room, Knight Library. Sponsored by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Américas Research Interest Group.
- 2/18/15, 6:30 pm Film Showing: “The Supreme Price” Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Gender in Africa and the African Diaspora RIG. Knight Library, Browsing Room. 1501 Kincaid St.
- 2/19/15, noon - 1 p.m. “Habits of Leaking: Of Sluts and Network Cards,” a seminar with Wayne Morse Chair Wendy Hui Kyong Chun.
- 2/20/15, 3pm Reading and book signing with acclaimed Canadian writer Louise Dupré. Museum of Natural and Cultural History, 1680 E 15th Ave., Eugene, OR. Cosponsored by CSWS.
- 2/23/15 12:00 pm Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC), Rm 714. Michael Messner: “Male Allies, and the Politics of Feminist Accountability.” Cosponsored by CSWS.
- 2/24/15 3 pm Knight Library Browsing Room, 1501 Kincaid St. Margaret Jacobs, “Remembering the Forgotten Child: the Indigenous Welfare Crisis of the 1960s-1970s.” Cosponsored by CSWS.
- 3/3/15 4 pm Knight Library Browsing Room, 1501 Kincaid St. Anjali Arondekar—“Telling Tales: Sexuality’s Fictions.” Cosponsored by CSWS.
- 3/4/15 2pm 115 Lawrence Hall, 1190 Franklin Blvd., UO campus. Nancy Tuana: “Coming to Understand Orgasm and the Epistemology of Ignorance.” Cosponsored by CSWS.
- 3/11/15 5pm Erb Memorial Union, Gumwood Room. Jafari Sinclaire Allen: “Black/Queer Here & There: Ethnography of An Idea.” Cosponsored by CSWS.
Spring 2015
5/7-5/9 2015 CSWS Northwest Women Writers Symposium “Our Daily Bread: Women’s Stories of Food and Resilience”
- 4/8/15 12-1 pm CSWS Noon Talk: Jenée Wilde, “Bridging Humanities and Social Science Methods in PhD Research.” Jenée Wilde is the 2014-15 CSWS Jane Grant Fellowship Award recipient. Jane Grant Conference Room, 330 Hendricks Hall.
- 4/9/15 4 pm - 6 pm Johanna Crane Public Talk, Browsing Room, Knight Library. Sponsored by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Narrative, Health, and Social Justice Research Interest Group.
- 4/22/15 12 pm CSWS Noon Talk: “Internal or Transnational? Zapotec Women’s Migration Dilemmas,” with Iván Sandoval Cervantes. Jane Grant Conference Room, 330 Hendricks Hall.
- 4/28/15 7:30-9:30 pm The Hunting Ground: a screening. Global Scholars Hall, 1710 E. 15th Ave., UO campus
- 5/14/15 11:30 am - 2:30 pm Jessaca Leinaweaver Public Talk, Graduate Student Lounge, Susan Campbell Hall. Sponsored by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Américas Research Interest Group.