Erb Memorial Union
Gumwood Rm
1222 E. 13th Ave.
UO campus
Jafari Sinclaire Allen will give a talk on “Black/Queer Here & There: Ethnography of An Idea” on March 11. Dr. Allen is an associate professor of African American studies and anthropology at Yale University who works at the intersections of [queer] sexuality, gender and blackness. He is also women’s, gender, and sexuality studies program director of graduate studies. A recipient of fellowships from the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council Sexuality Research Program, and Rockefeller Foundation [Diasporic Racisms Project]; he teaches courses on the cultural politics of race, sexuality and gender in Black diasporas; Black feminist and queer theory; critical cultural studies; ethnographic methodology and writing; subjectivity, consciousness and resistance; Cuba and the Caribbean.
He is the author of the critical ethnography, ¡Venceremos?: The Erotics of Black Self-Making in Cuba [Perverse Modernities series, Duke University Press, Fall 2011], and editor of Black/Queer/Diaspora, a special issue of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. His current research project, tentatively entitled “Black Queer Here and There: Movement and Sociality,” traces cultural and political circuits of transnational queer desire—in travel, tourism, (im)migration, art and activism.
This event is sponsored by the UO Department of Anthropology, the UO Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, and the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society.
Dr. Allen will also lead a graduate student workshop on Critical Ethnographies on March 10, 2015 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm in Hendricks Hall 330. Lunch provided. Space limited to first 15 people. Please RSVP to