For three decades, CSWS Research Interest Groups (RIGs) have fostered collaborations among faculty members, staff, graduate students, and community members at the University of Oregon. A primary goal of our RIGs is to bring people together for a shared project, idea, or vision around CSWS’s mission: to generate, support, and publicize research on the complexity of women’s lives and the intersecting nature of gender identities and inequalities.
This year, CSWS is sponsoring four RIGs — three new and one returning — which explore timely issues around research and teaching in our turbulent times:
Exploring Black Feminist Ecologies: This new RIG seeks to create a space to reimagine the natural world through the lens of black feminism in art, literature, critical geography, environmental education, and environmental racism. RIG members plan to discuss books on black feminist ecology, workshop graduate student projects, organize a panel discussion, and establish a Black Ecologies Lab within the UO’s environmental studies program. For more information, contact Jessica T. Brown at jtbrown@uoregon.edu.
Care, Equity, and Social Justice: This new RIG seeks to foster connections among scholars examining how ordinary citizens, activists, and organizations in the Global South use practices of care in order to resist processes of exclusion, violence, and vulnerability. To build an intellectual community, CESJ will organize meetings every other month to discuss academic articles and present work in progress from faculty and students. They also will organize two public roundtable discussions during the year, inviting local and international scholars, researchers, and activists to participate. For more information, contact co-organizers Kristin Yarris at keyarris@uoregon.edu or Maria Fernanda Escallón at mfe@uoregon.edu.
Wellbeing: Studies and Practices: This new RIG seeks to foster a space of intellectual and supportive community among faculty, staff, and students interested in the field of wellbeing studies and praxis at UO. As a field of transdisciplinary study, wellbeing studies bridges the human sciences with the humanities, asking key questions about the social and subjective nature of health, humanistic questions about what it means to live well, and political questions about the ways in which social life can be structured to support human flourishing. RIG participants will meet at least twice per term to focus on community-building and providing a space of community and support for their inquiries and practices in wellbeing studies. For more information, contact Kristin Yarris at keyarris@uoregon.edu.
Inclusive Pedagogies: This ongoing RIG meets twice per term to discuss current research in composition studies and its intersections with gender, race, sexuality, ability, and other aspects of identity and social justice. Unique to their reading group format is that no preparation is required for the two-hour sessions. Instead, members read together for the first 30 minutes then discuss the selected article or book chapter in relation to their teaching praxis. Faculty, graduate student educators, and writing support specialists from across disciplines are invited to participate. In addition, the Inclusive Pedagogies website serves as a clearinghouse for readings, research and criticism, teaching materials, podcasts and videos, and other resources that support inclusive/antiracist pedagogy and praxis at the UO. For more information and to join the mailing list, please contact Jenée Wilde at jenee@uoregon.edu or go to blogs.uoregon.edu/iprig for upcoming meetings, reading selections, and resources for antiracist teaching.
To learn more about forming a RIG, contact jenee@uoregon.edu or go to https://csws-archive.uoregon.edu/research/rig-funding/ .