TWO RIVERS TRIBUNE ~ ONLINE | Tribe Invites UC Researcher to Study Acorns.
A paper by CSWS faculty affiliate and UO environmental sociologist Dr. Kari Norgaard was cited in a newspaper story about acorn studies on tribal land in the Klamath and Trinity River Communities. Norgaard presented her paper, “The Effects of Altered Diet on the Health of the Karuk People,” last winter at a works-in-progress meeting of the CSWS research interest group Food in the Field. Norgaard issued the paper with Ron Reed, Karuk cultural biologist.
(The ground outside the test plot seemed littered with acorns in every possible condition. Arielle Halpern reached through the foot-deep maze of young tanoak starts and grabbed a handful ... Dr. Kari Norgaard, an environmental sociologist now at the University of Oregon, with Ron Reed, Karuk cultural biologist, issued a paper titled "The Effects of Altered Diet on the Health of the Karuk People." The Norgaard-Reed paper traced the erosion of health among Karuk people with the loss of traditional salmon and other fish in their diets and specifically listed spikes of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, tuberculosis, hypertension, kidney disorders and strokes.)