This presentation explores the term “squaw” as an element of discourse that frames a version of indigenous female-ness. Speaker Debra Merskin, associate professor, UO School of Journalism and Communication, is developing a theoretical perspective of representational ethics for media and popular culture that examines the question of who has the right to represent others, under what circumstances, and in what ways. Whether in television programs, films, advertisements, or in popular music such as hip-hop and rap, women are generally absent, under-represented, or misrepresented. Women of color are often invisible. When Native women are seen it is usually in one of two stereotypical portrayals: Indian princess (young, female noble savage) or squaw (older woman/drudge). Place and landform names, products, and references in literature and popular culture that use the word “squaw” contribute to a climate of stereotypical thinking about Indian women, and limit imaginative possibilities and narrow self-perception. A visual analysis of names, products, and places illustrates the persistence of this term.
Presenter Profile: Debra Merskin, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication
Debra Merskin’s interests focus on the representation of women and minorities in media and historical studies as well as the social influences of the media. Her theoretical focus is media dependency theory. Her book Media, Minorities, and Meaning: A Critical Introduction was published by Peter Lang in 2011. Her research has been published in a number of journals, including Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, American Behavioral Science, Sex Roles, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Feminist Media Studies, and the Howard Journal of Communication.