The Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS) and Office of the Provost are delighted to resume our New Faculty Welcome reception on Oct. 26, 2022. Please join us at our first in-person, post-pandemic reception and help us welcome women, feminist-identified, and faculty allies of all genders who have joined our campus community in the last three years. We are very excited to celebrate you after what feels like ages—to eat, drink, laugh, and learn together and to inspire collaboration, foster community, and reaffirm the feminist networks of allyship that sustains our work and life.
Don’t forget to bring your colleagues and graduate students with you! CSWS welcomes all colleagues whose research and values support our mission. We have been through some rough times and there are clearly challenges ahead for socially progressive agendas, but we are also lucky to inhabit a community whose members are constantly pushing the boundaries of gender-centered research and preparing feminists who will define the future to come. Please allow us to toast you and join us in welcoming new faculty members to our community.
The New Faculty Welcome Reception will be held Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Ford Alumni Center Lee Barlow Giustina Ballroom, 1720 East 13th Ave., Eugene, Oregon. Please RSVP at Light refreshments and libations will be served.