EMU Ballroom UO campus 1222 E. 13th Ave.
“A Song, A Slogan, and A Service: Dispatches from the Movement for Black Lives”
James Braxton Peterson, Africana Studies and English, Lehigh UniversityThe Oregon Humanities Center (OHC) is pleased to inaugurate its year of programming on the theme of “Justice” with a visit by noted hip-hop scholar, social commentator, and social justice activist James Braxton Peterson, Director of Africana Studies and Associate Professor of English at Lehigh University. Peterson will give the annual Lorwin Lecture on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties on Thursday, October 22nd at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom on the UO campus. In his lecture, “A Song, A Slogan, and A Service: Dispatches from the Movement for Black Lives,” Peterson will provide several insights and updates regarding the Black Lives Matter movement, and talk about the ways in which popular culture can be a powerful force in shaping our nation’s political and social discourse and direction.
More information: Oregon Humanities Center
KLCC Interview: http://klcc.org/post/dr-james-braxton-peterson-dispatches-movement-black-lives