Sheryl WuDunn: 2011 Lorwin Lecture

“Half the Sky: The Greatest Unexploited Resource in the World Today Isn’t Oil or Gold or Wind. It’s Women.” —Sheryl WuDunn

2011 Lorwin Lectureship on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Erb Memorial Union Ballroom University of Oregon

Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Sheryl WuDunn coauthored the influential book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.

Slideshow photographs by Jack Liu.

A Lorwin Event
The Center for the Study of Women in Society presented “Women’s Rights in a Global World,” the 2010-11 inaugural series of the Lorwin Lectureship on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. This yearlong series of lectures, symposia, workshops, and other events focused on the continuing struggles for women’s rights and was intended to inspire new scholarship and activism on women’s rights. It grew out of CSWS’s historical mission: to generate research on women and gender and to disseminate that research to a broader feminist community. The Lorwin Lectureship on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is funded by a gift from Val and Madge Lorwin to the University of Oregon College of Arts and Sciences and School of Law.