Alisa Freedman named an Outstanding Faculty Advisor

Alisa Freedman named an Outstanding Faculty Advisor

Long-time CSWS faculty affiliate Alisa Freedman, associate professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences, has been selected as a winner of a 2016 University of Oregon Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Award. Dr. Freedman has been named an Outstanding Faculty Advisor.

Alisa Freedman (photo by Jack Liu)

The Division of Undergraduate Studies and the All-Campus Advising Association (ACAA) recently announced the winners of the 2016 University of Oregon Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Awards. The awards committee received close to 200 nominations and 51 applications for review. Applicants came from 30 different departments and “clearly demonstrated the high-quality caring and creative undergraduate advising and mentoring happening at the UO.” Winners will receive their awards at a reception on May 25.