Exhibit & reception for Reconoci.do: Dominicans of Haitian Descent

Reconoci.do_WEBReception JSMA 1430 Johnson Lane

Exhibit March 03, 2015 to May 03, 2015
In the wake of a recent decision by the Constitutional Tribunal in the Dominican Republic, many Dominican youth of Haitian descent are unable to go to school, start a bank account, or get married for lack of proper documentation. This exhibition presents photographs by members of Reconoci.do, an organization of Dominican youth of Haitian descent that is struggling to reinstate their rights as nationals. The Spanish word “reconocido” translates to “recognized” or “acknowledged” in English. The photographs document the increasingly hostile situations that Dominicans of Haitian descent and Haitian migrants face on a daily basis as they seek recognition from the state.

The exhibit will be available for class visits and tours March 4th-May 4th. Please contact June Black at Jordan Schnitzer Museum to set guided tours.

Organized by Professors Lanie Millar (Romance Languages), Alaí Reyes-Santos (Ethnic Studies), and Juan Eduardo Wolf (Ethnomusicology), this project is funded by an Academic Support Grant from the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art; the Office of Equity and Inclusion; the Coalition Against Environmental Racism; the Women of Color Project at the Center for the Study of Women in Society; the Center for Latino/a & Latin American Studies; the Global Studies Institute, Office for International Affairs; the Wayne Morse Center; the Departments of Anthropology and Ethnic Studies; and Community Consulting.

See more at: http://jsma.uoregon.edu/reconocido#sthash.rsvmPW0K.PL9jyJf1.dpuf