The Center for the Study of Women in Society (CSWS) invites applications for the Director position. This three-year renewable appointment as director will begin September 15, 2022. The director should be a tenured professor at the University of Oregon and have an active research agenda relevant to the work of CSWS. The appointee will have reduced FTE in their department while serving as CSWS director at 0.5 FTE with a stipend of $6,600 from the Office of VPRI.
As director, the successful applicant will direct and administer center activities, facilitate and pursue interdisciplinary research, oversee the internal grant programs, and assist CSWS and affiliates in obtaining funding to support research activities. The CSWS Director reports to the VPRI and will work closely with an interdisciplinary advisory board and the center’s staff.
The Center for the Study of Women in Society (CSWS) is an interdisciplinary research center that generates, supports, and disseminates research on women and gender. CSWS is supported by an endowment and other funds generated through gifts, and is in the division of Research and Innovation.
Review of applications begins April 16, 2022; position is open until filled. For more information and to apply, go to