“In The Wrong Body” tells the story of Mavi Susel, who underwent Cuba’s first gender reassignment operation in 1988. In addition this documentary explores such timely issues as the meaning of femininity in the macho and patriarchal society of Cuba.
Thursday Oct. 3: 4-5:30 p.m. Public screening of documentary “In The Wrong Body” (RT 52 minutes) followed by Q/A with Cuban filmmaker Marilyn Solaya. Place Allen Hall, Room 141.
Friday Oct.4: 9-10:30 a.m. Breakfast (workshop/conversation—330 Hendricks Hall, Jane Grant Conference Room) with the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s sponsoring research interest group (RIG) and special project members and/or faculty and grad students (Américas RIG, Queering Academic Studies RIG, and Women of Color Project). Director Solaya will discuss the role of gender in Cuban society both from a historical and feminist perspective. She also will address what it means to be a feminist filmmaker in contemporary Cuba.
Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society Women of Color Project, CSWS Américas RIG, CSWS Queering Academic Studies RIG, and cosponsored by the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies.