UO Knight Library Browsing Room 1501 Kincaid St.
Best-selling journalist and memoirist will talk about her urban farm experience in downtown Oakland, California in a conversation moderated by award-winning food blogger Jennifer Burns Bright (UO Departments of English and Comparative Literature). Carpenter is the author of Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer and Gone Feral: Tracking My Dad Through the Wild and coauthor of The Essential Urban Farmer. She studied food writing with Michael Pollan at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. Her work has appeared in Food and Wine, Mother Jones, Salon.com, and other publications. Carpenter lives and farms near downtown Oakland. Her blog is Ghost Town Farm.
The fourth annual CSWS Northwest Women Writers Symposium “Our Daily Bread: Women’s Stories of Food and Resilience” will take place in locations on the University of Oregon campus and at the downtown Eugene Public Library on Mother’s Day weekend, May 7 – 9, 2015. For a full schedule go to: http://csws.uoregon.edu/events-2/2014-nwws/csws-northwest-women-writers-symposium-2015/
All events are free and open to the public, although Saturday afternoon workshops—including one taught by —are limited in size and will require registration during April and early May.
Sponsored by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society. Cosponsors include Eugene Public Library; Oregon Humanities Center; UO Division of Equity and Inclusion; the UO Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies, English, and Ethnic Studies; UO School of Journalism and Communication; University Health Center; UO Libraries; Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics; and the ASUO Women’s Center.