“Our Daily Bread: Women’s Stories of Food and Resilience” May 7 - 9, 2015
The fourth annual CSWS Northwest Women Writers Symposium will be held Thursday May 7, 2015, through Saturday May 9, 2015. Diana Abu-Jaber (Crescent; The Language of Baklava; Birds of Paradise) is the keynote author and will be joined by writers Novella Carpenter (Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer); scholar, activist, social justice novelist, editor Breeze Harper (Sistah Vegan; Scars); poet Donna Henderson (The Eddy Fence), and others.This theme opens conversations about the sensuality of food; food and culture; food shortages; hunger and poverty; health and eating disorders; climate change; misuse of natural resources; environmental racism; food distribution; genetic manipulation of seeds; and preparation and growing of food. Food is our daily bread, but in the practice of writing, what else feeds us? “Our Daily Bread” is a rich theme that will open the door to fruitful discussions of craft, creativity, humanity, gender, and community.
Events will be held on the University of Oregon campus and at the Downtown Eugene Public Library (10th& Olive). Events are free and open to the public. However, Saturday afternoon workshops will be limited to 20 participants each. Starting April 14, you can preregister for limited spaces in these Saturday afternoon workshops by calling Eugene Public Library at 541-682-5450 (Press 2).
For full details of the workshops and all events, go to: http://csws.uoregon.edu/events-2/2014-nwws/csws-northwest-women-writers-symposium-2015/
Events are sponsored by the UO Center for the Study of Women in Society with the generous support of Eugene Public Library; Oregon Humanities Center; UO Division of Equity and Inclusion; the UO Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies, English, and Ethnic Studies; UO School of Journalism and Communication; University Health Center; UO Libraries; Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics; and the ASUO Women’s Center.