Noon Talks are presented by recent recipients of research grants from the Center for the Study of Women in Society. These scholarly talks span the interests of many departments in the areas of women and gender.
On Friday, Jan. 14, 2022, philosophy PhD student Annalee Ring will present “The Myth of Whiteness as Cleanliness: A Settler Colonial, White Supremacist, and Patriarchal Construction.” Talk description: “Our contemporary cleanliness practices emerged in the late 19th century alongside what I call the myth of whiteness as cleanliness. In addition to shaping our contemporary cleanliness practices, I will argue that this myth contributed to ideologies that support settler colonial, white supremacist, and patriarchal gender practices. Further, this deeply entrenched myth continues to manifest today as seen in the marketing of cleanliness products as 'civilizing,' the racialization of disease (such as COVID-19), the placement of toxic waste facilities, the disparity of access to hygiene products and sanitation, and beyond.” Zoom link: https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/99420601909?pwd=SVZha1pXcGJZNlVYYkdUZ2w1M3p2dz09