Jane Grant Conference Room 330 Hendricks Hall 1408 University St. UO campus
Please mark your calendars March 7 at 10:30 am for a discussion of Professor Kristin Yarris’s book, Care Across Generations: Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families, published by Stanford University Press.
This will be a discussion between Professor Rhacel Parrenas, visiting from the University of Southern California, and Professor Yarris, about globalization and its effect on studying gender, family and carework. I hope you will join us at CSWS for this celebration and conversation.
At 3:30 pm on March 7, Dr. Parrenas will deliver the second annual CSWS Acker-Morgen Memorial Lecture, “The Gendered Organization of Migrant Domestic Work.” For more information: http://csws.uoregon.edu/parrenas/