CoDaC Week of Writing Returns During Winter Break

CoDaC Week of Writing Returns During Winter Break

The Center on Diversity and Community Faculty Writing Circle program invites you to participate in a Winter Break Faculty Week of Writing, to take place December 16-22. Facutly will be writing on the five weekdays only, leaving the weekend for rest, holiday celebration and/or preparation, or anything else you desire.

This has been a year like no other. Last summer, our first-ever WoW helped us affirm the value of our work amid towering amounts of stress, challenge, and new kinds of teaching and caregiving responsibilities. Join the Winter WoW to write and research in a supportive and inclusive environment. The WoW begins the day after grades are due, offering you five days in which to focus on your own priorities.

The core of the week is getting your writing done in a context of shared purpose and support. You’ll meet other faculty while choosing the time and format of your daily work.  Here is what you need to know:

We’ll put participants in small groups with similar time availability and contact preferences for the week. You can indicate whether you want lots of or minimal interaction with group members. We’ll also help you identify the goals you most want to achieve during the week and craft a realistic roadmap to help you meet them. 

Each day during the Week of Writing, participants pick an approach to the day’s writing (we have multiple options for structuring your time, helping you beat back procrastination, workcrastination, resistance, and writer’s block). The writing options are suited to any amount of availability. You write only during the time you actually have. Parents and caregivers: we see you (we are you!).  

As in summer, all participants receive a gift – a book on writing (9 options) or a gift certificate to a local Black-owned bakery. This gift acknowledges the importance of your writing and the hard work it entails to the UO’s research mission and the scholarly community. (Huge thanks go to the generosity of the Division of Equity and Inclusion and its VP, Yvette Alex-Assensoh.)   

Anyone participating in WoW and interested in having their own copy of Wendy Belcher’s Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks can enter our raffle (you must indicate interest in the intake survey).  

During the week, Michael Murashige, CoDaC’s writing consultant, will offer writing-themed webinars. Topics at our last WoW summer included “The Mechanics of Procrastination and Writing Resistance” and “What to do when my Motivational Tricks Stop Working.”

The week concludes with a Zoom celebration on Tuesday afternoon. We’ll announce and celebrate how many minutes we wrote collectively in one week!  

Click the link here to register. Questions? Email Lara Bovilsky, CoDaC Faculty Associate for Writing Circle Program,