Professor Carol Silverman confronts the persecution faced by Roma people

Professor Carol Silverman confronts the persecution faced by Roma people

Source: Professor confronts the persecution faced by Roma people | Around the O

In this story from Around the O, CSWS faculty affiliate and anthropology professor Carol Silverman talks about her research among the Roma people, and the racial profiling they experience in Europe and the United States.

“INVADED!!” screams a flier on the computer screen of UO anthropologist and folklorist Carol Silverman.

“There is no city in America that is safe!” it warns, in an attempt to recruit law enforcement officers to a training that promises to educate them “in the ways of the criminal element of the Traveler and Gypsy communities”.

“This training is targeting an entire ethnic group,” said Silverman, whose research is focused on Roma, the accepted name for the group often referred to as Gypsies. “This is racial profiling.” 

Silverman has studied and written about Roma people and the prejudices against them for nearly four decades and has won numerous fellowships and awards for her contributions to the field. Inspired by their rich culture, she quickly developed a parallel interest in their everyday lives and the prejudice and fear they face around the globe.

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