January 5, 2015—The Fembot Collective released the latest edition of its online open-access, peer-reviewed journal. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, Issue 6: “Hacking the Black/White Binary” was edited by Brittney Cooper and Margaret Rhee.
Fembot is a a CSWS Special Project.
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You’ll note the inclusion of a section called “Feminist Hacks,” described by the special issue editors as “short theoretical provocations and art pieces that meditate on the Black/White binary through a feminist lens.”
Fembot is particularly grateful to Professors Cooper and Rhee, who piloted this issue across such a turbulent period of time, to all our contributors, and to Ameryah Henderson for the wonderful cover. Thank you to all those who participated in the Fembot Conference in Portland in July 2013, where the idea for this issue came into being. We are, as always, incredibly grateful to all those who participated in the open peer review.
Thanks also for support from the University of Oregon’s Center for the Study of Women in Society, the Digital Scholarship Center, and the School of Journalism and Communication. Special thanks to Karen Estlund, Webmistress Sarah Hamid, and David McCallum for their work on design and content, which we’ve listed below.
Issue 6: Hacking the Black/White Binary http://adanewmedia.org/issues/issue-archives/issue6/ <http://adanewmedia.org/issues/issue-archives/issue6/