250 Clinical Services
901 E. 18th
UO campus
PANEL: “Nature in Doubt: Intersex in a Chemical Era”
Professor Tyrone Hayes will participate on a panel with CSWS advisory board member Elizabeth Reis, professor and head, UO Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, concerning the implications of his work in the field of gender studies. Kari Norgaard, professor, UO Department of Sociology, will respond to the panel as they consider the notion and rhetoric of “natural” in an environment exposed to hormone-altering herbicides.The above panel is part of the Herbicides and Community Health Conference featuring Dr. Hayes, professor of integrative biology at University of California, Berkeley.
Cosponsors include the UO Environmental Studies Program, Oregon Humanities Center, Hill Fund, Beyond Toxics, Environmental Science Institute, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Center for the Study of Women and Society, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Philosophy, Coalition Against Environmental Racism, and the Environmental Humanities RIG.
On October 24th and 25th Dr. Tyrone Hayes (UC Berkeley) will participate in three distinct events considering the implications of his work and the impact of herbicides on water, animal and community health.
Named an “Emerging Explorer” by National Geographic and the subject of a recent long-form exposé in The New Yorker, Dr. Tyrone Hayes studies the role of steroid hormones on amphibian development and has published over 39 peer reviewed articles on related research. Dr. Hayes's findings regarding hermaphroditism in frogs as a result of exposure to the commonly-used herbicide Atrazine have created national attention both within academia and beyond. Because of the similarities between amphibian hormonal systems and our own, the work raises startling questions about environmental toxicity, gender, environmental justice and community health concerns.
Panel: Friday, October 24, 3:00pm – University of Oregon, 250 Clinical Services “Nature in Doubt: Intersex in a Chemical Era.” Professor Hayes will participate on a panel with Women and Gender Studies Professor Elizabeth Reis concerning the implications of his work in the field of gender studies. Dr. Kari Norgaard (Sociology) will respond to the panel as they consider the notion and rhetoric of “natural” in an environment exposed to hormone-altering herbicides.
Keynote: Friday, October 24, 7:00pm – University of Oregon, 182 Lillis Hall “From Silent Spring to Silent Night: Of Toads and Men.” Dr. Hayes will deliver an Environmental Studies Program's convocation keynote. A dynamic and engaging speaker, Hayes has been known to rap throughout his presentations. His keynote address will discuss his work and its broader implications.
Community and University Assembly: Saturday, October 25, 9:00am-4:30pm – Triangle Lake Grange - Advanced Registration Required
“Witness to Action: Putting Chemical Trespass on Oregon’s Agenda.” An environmental health and justice assembly will bring together community members, environmental justice advocates, scholars, students, scientists and officials. Together, we will travel with Dr. Hayes from the UO to Triangle Lake to learn about herbicide exposure from the ground up and explore strategies for social change. Residents from around Oregon will discuss their experiences with aerial spraying, negative health effects and community organizing efforts. Break-out sessions will combine community members, activists, and scholars from the University of Oregon to discuss and work through these important topics. Please reserve your spot on the bus through the site our community partner has set up: http://www.beyondtoxics.org/TyroneHayes/