“Feminist Futures” — 2013 CSWS Annual Review now available

2013_-Annual_Rvw_coverIf you are a CSWS faculty affiliate, research interest group member, supporter, contributor, or UO administrator, watch for the 2013 CSWS Annual Review in your mailbox. You can also access this 32-page Annual Review online.

40th Anniversary Special Section: Feminist Futures
  • “Funding Feminist Futures” by Carol Stabile, Director, CSWS
  • “For Love of a Feminist: Jane Grant, William Harris, and the ‘Fund’” by Jenée Wilde, PhD candidate, Department of English (Folklore), UO
  • “Celebrating Forty Years” — anniversary event details
  • “Research Can Serve as the Anchor for Feminism’s Future” by Áine Duggan, President, National Council on Research for Women
  • “Collaboration as a Challenge and Opportunity in Higher Education” by Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, UO
  • “Breaking with the Logic of a Botanical Graft” by Michael Hames-García, Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, UO
  • Miriam Johnson, whose beautiful painting of a sunlit woman graces the cover of the 2013 Annual Review. One of the early founders of the center, Miriam Johnson passed away in November 2007. A photograph in the timeline of the printed version of the 2013 Annual Review was incorrectly identified in archived documents. Miriam Johnson, whose beautiful painting of a sunlit woman graces the cover of the 2013 Annual Review. One of the early founders of the center, Miriam Johnson passed away in November 2007. A photograph in the timeline of the printed version of the 2013 Annual Review was incorrectly identified in an archived document.

    “Women in STEM — a Wakeup Call” by Miriam Deutsch, Professor, Department of Physics, UO

  • “Activist Research and the Fight Against the Polluter-Industrial Complex” by Shannon E. Bell, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Kentucky
  • “Is Feminist Poetry a Thing of the Past?” by Maggie Evans, PhD graduate, Department of English, UO
  • “40 Years Strong: A Timeline of Feminist Research, Teaching, & Activism”
Research & Columns
  • “Revolutionary Foodways: A Set of Paths and Practices” by Courtney Thorsson, Assistant Professor, Department of English, UO
  • “Change is Slow to Come for Women in Zimbabwe” by Easther Chigumira, PhD candidate, Department of Geography, UO
  • “Experience, Confidence, & Vision” by Miriam Abelson, PhD candidate, Department of Sociology, UO
  • “Teen Dating Violence and Effects of Mother-Daughter Communication” by Kali Lantrip, Department of Counseling Psychology, UO
  • Highlights from the Academic Year
  • Looking at Books