On Friday, Feb. 24, and Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Inclusive Pedagogies reading group will be reading together and discussing "Peer Learning Guide: Evidence, Design Principles, and Examples" by Mark J. Van Ryzin. Peer Learning provides mechanisms and structures you can use to recruit the students in your classroom as a resource to support the success of everyone, particularly for those students at risk. We will discuss principles and share examples of Peer Learning that you can implement in classes across the curriculum. Print copies will be provided to attendees.
No homework is required to participate. At each meeting, the group spends 30 minutes reading a selection of recent research related to pedagogy and the intersections of gender, race, sexuality, ability, and other aspects of identity. The remainder of the meeting focuses on reading discussion and time to share thoughts and experiences related to inclusive, antiracist practices in our classrooms.
The reading group meets in the CSWS Jane Grant Room (Hendricks 330) on Friday of Weeks 3 and 7 each term, with alternative meetings on the following Tuesday of Weeks 4 and 8. Friday meeting times are 11 a.m.–1 p.m. and Tuesdays are 4–6 p.m.
The Inclusive Pedagogies Research Interest Group is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society. Co-coordinators are Jenée Wilde, senior instructor of English, and Mark Van Ryzin, research associate professor of human development. For more information, contact Wilde at jenee@uoregon.edu.
For more information about starting or participating in CSWS RIGs, click on this link.