Noon Talks are presented by recent recipients of research grants from the Center for the Study of Women in Society. These scholarly talks span the interests of many departments in the areas of women and gender.
On Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2022, counseling psychology PhD candidate Nathan Mather will present, “Working Class Gay Dads: Queer Stories about Family and Work.” Talk description: “As gay fathering gains more mainstream acceptance, extant research has focused on gay dads with access to expensive pathways to parenthood and childcare services. Using a narrative inquiry methodology, this study aims to generate novel ways of thinking about parenting and decent work in collaboration with working-class gay dads, with the goal of improving the material conditions and related health outcomes for this population and their families. During summer 2021, I met with 10 working-class gay dads via Zoom, each for a series of three interviews. This CSWS Noon Talk will involve an overview and discussion of methodology, participant narratives, and implications.” Zoom link: https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/91682198986?pwd=bUNRV3B1SUhLMzdVNWhqVW9zYlUrdz09