Noon Talks are presented by recent recipients of research grants from the Center for the Study of Women in Society. These scholarly talks span the interests of many departments in the areas of women and gender.
On Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022, English PhD candidate Cassandra Galentine will present, “‘There’s nobody with common sense that can look down on the domestic worker’: Dirt, Disease, and Hygiene in Alice Childress’s Like one of the Family.” Talk description: “In this presentation, I will explore the creative ways Alice Childress's character Mildred, a Black working-class domestic worker, navigates racial discourses of hygiene and utilizes her proximity within the domestic sphere of labor to resist environmental injustice.” Zoom link: https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/91946314871?pwd=N2xJNXNUbnpQU1krNjQ1MEVRTU9Kdz09