Noon Talks are presented by recent recipients of research grants from the Center for the Study of Women in Society. These scholarly talks span the interests of many departments in the areas of women and gender.
On Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022, anthropology PhD student Malvya Chintakindi will present, “Informal Labour Blues: Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond on Women Belonging to Backward Caste Communities in Hyderabad, India.” Talk description: “COVID-19 struck people all over the world, indiscriminately, altering human living conditions as we know it. It had disproportionate effects on those less fortunate, especially women from marginalized communities. This research delves into the short-term and potential long-term effects of COVID-19 on women belonging to backward castes engaged in informal labour work in the city of Hyderabad, state of Telangana, India. This in-depth ethnographic inquiry observed the research participants within their localities for over a year (2020-2021) and adopts an approach rooted in intersectionality and complexity. Semi-structured interviews, in- depth interviews and participant observation were employed across a sample of 30 women participants. Findings indicate that the economic impact of the pandemic on informal labour is multifold where womenʼs jobs are the householdʼs only salvation. Participants reported receiving none to scattered benefits from governmental and non-governmental actors. As is the case in informal labour markets, lack of job security and safety nets skyrocketed participantsʼ anxiety for a secure future. The gendered effects of the pandemic are observed through womenʼs unfulfilled dietary needs and their increased household work. Domestic violence is prevalent in these communities. There is high trust in available COVID-19 vaccines.” Zoom link: https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/99110234927?pwd=endHVTI5bWZ2WE9DSVZQeFovemlqdz09