CSWS Initiatives promote the study of gender in a particular area of focus, such as Women's Health or Welfare, but also bring feminist advanced research together with social activism and with K-12 teaching. Our current initiative is Women in the Northwest (WNW). The WNW Initiative is partially funded by a gift from the late Mazie Giustina.
- For many years the WNW initiative was dedicated to research on Welfare. For more information on that project, please click here.
- The WNW Initiative sponsors and promotes research that expands our knowledge of women's lives in the Pacific Northwest. The last expansive two-year project concerned gender, families, and immigration which culminated in a conference. The conference proceedings are located under "publications" on our website.
CSWS Special Projects are those that have potential for either:
- external funding (like the Fembot Collective or the Northwest Women Writers’ Symposium), or
- activities that will make them sustainable parts of CSWS (like the Women of Color Project or the Caregiver Campaign).
Special project funding provides seed money for projects with well-formulated, collaborative ideas and plans from affiliated faculty members, RIG members, or CSWS staff.
Guidelines for Funding:

Affiliated faculty members, RIG members, or CSWS staff can request up to $5,000 on an annual basis for special projects or initiatives.
Those seeking Special Project/Initiative Funding should meet with the CSWS director to discuss potential projects. After this meeting, those seeking funding will submit:
- A 2-page proposal outlining the proposed project that addresses the following:
- How, specifically, does the special project have the potential to compete for external funding or how does it build CSWS?
- How does the project further the mission of CSWS?
- A letter of support for the project, either from the head of a department or a direct supervisor with knowledge of the project;
- A project time line
- 1-page budget with justification for each item.
- A list of participants.
Deadline: Submit proposals by May 1 for projects planned for the following academic year. Proposals should be emailed to the CSWS Director with the subject line, "CSWS Special Project/Initiative Funding Application."
Application Assistance: For assistance in completing the grant application or for general questions, contact CSWS by email at csws@uoregon.edu, or call the main office at (541) 346-5015.
Reporting: All Initiatives and Special Projects will report annually on their activities and outcomes, to be published online and in the Annual Review. Reports are due by the end of the academic year for which funding was received (July 1). Contact the Research Dissemination Specialist for additional information.