Fall 2012
11/14 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. The Invisible War, 177 Lawrence
- 9/28, 3-5 p.m. CSWS Faculty Affiliates’ Reception, Gerlinger
- 10/3, 7:30 p.m. Screening of The Purity Myth (177 Lawrence) with roundtable discussion: The War on Women
- 10/5, 9 a.m. RIG Quarterly Meeting – Alsea-Coquille
- 10/10, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. CAS Reception for new women faculty members, Gerlinger
- 10/17, 12 p.m. Women and the Search for Justice and Reconciliation in Guatemala: Gabriela Martinez—a CSWS Noon Talk, Browsing Room, Knight Library
- 10/17, 7:30 p.m. CSWS Film Series, Telling Amy’s Story, 177 Lawrence
- 10/25, 3 p.m. Oregon Suffrage Centennial—UO Libraries Symposium, Browsing Room, Knight Library
- 11/1, 3 p.m. Lecture: Brenda Frink, Pioneer Mother: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Public Monuments in the U.S. West (3 pm, Many Nations Longhouse)
- 11/2: Feminist Theory Seminar Series (by invitation)
- 11/7: Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Fembot)
- 11/8, 1-4 p.m. (est) “Everyday Racism, Everyday Homophobia” – HASTAC streaming video (co-sponsor WGS)
- 11/16, noon: CSWS Grant Information Workshop (Jane Grant Room)
- 11/30, 3-4 p.m. CSWS Grad Coffee Hour: “Feminist Mentoring: Errors and Expectations” (Sandi Morgen, Mia Tuan, Jocelyn Hollander, Carol Stabile)
Winter 2013
- 1/23: Kate Mondloch, WIP talk (Jane Grant)
- 1/30, 7:00 p.m., Willamette 100: CSWS Film Series, Bi the Way
- 1/31, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Sharon Block (History), UC-Irvine. Rape and Sexual Power in Early America, Browsing Room, Knight Library
- 2/8, 3-4 p.m. CSWS Grad Student Coffee Hour – IRB Roundtable
- 2/9-2/10 Fembot Unconference, Portland
- 2/22: Feminist Theory Seminar Series (by invitation)
- 2/28 T.L. Taylor, “Athletes, Geeks, and Gamers: Exploring Gender and Professional E-sports”
- 3/8-3/9 Women’s History Month Wikipedia Parties 2013 — Friday, March 8: Sarah Stierch; 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.; Browsing Room, Knight Library. Saturday, March 9; Group Application; 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.; Allen 141.
Spring 2013
4/12, 3-4 p.m. CSWS Grad Student Coffee Hour – “Future of Feminist Research at UO” with CSWS director Carol Stabile, Jane Grant Conference Room, 330 Hendricks Hall
- 4/18 10:30 a.m. “Putting Hypersexuality to Work: Black Women and Illicit Eroticism in Pornography”—Mireille Miller-Young; Browsing Room, Knight Library
- 4/24 Karyn Lewis, CSWS Noon Talk: “When Hard Work Doesn’t Pay Off: Exploring Self-Perceptions to Understand the Underrepresentation of Women in STEM,” 330 Hendricks Hall, Jane Grant Room, 1408 University St. Karyn Lewis is a Ph.D. candidate in the UO Department of Psychology. She received a 2010 CSWS graduate student research grant for her work on this research.
- 4/26 Racial Representations: African American Literature Since 1975
- 3 p.m., Thursday, May 9, 2013: A Fireside Conversation with Oliver Kellhammer—a permaculture artist, writer, and teacher specializing in ecological restoration and land art—and Jennifer Burns Levin (Honors College), coordinator, CSWS Food in the Field RIG. Location: Hendricks Hall Hearth Room (1st floor), 1408 University St.
- 5/9-5/11 CSWS Northwest Women Writer’s Symposium