Editor's Note: Six feminist scholars are among those who will receive OVPRI’s 2019 Faculty Research Awards. They are Sangita Gopal, Deborah Green, Jocelyn Hollander, Lamia Karim, Judith Raiskin, and Lesley Jo Weaver.
From Around the O, April 8 — UO researchers and scholars examining everything from mapping the Internet to women filmmaking in India to the influence of socioeconomic status on spoken language composition have received 2019 Faculty Research Awards.
“The remarkable depth and breadth of the research and scholarly activity taking place on our campus never ceases to amaze me, but this year we saw an unusually high number of outstanding applications for this award,” said David Conover, vice president for research and innovation. “We congratulate the awardees and commend them on their exceptional work.”
As a result of the unusually competitive pool of applicants, this year’s batch of awardees totaled 24, Conover said. The program typically awards 20 recipients.
Faculty Research Awards are distributed annually by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation. Designed to stimulate promising research and scholarly activity, the awards support scholarship, creative projects and quantitative or qualitative research from all disciplinary backgrounds.
Awards went to researchers and scholars in journalism, psychology, religious studies, anthropology, political science, biology, special education and other fields.
Faculty members receive up to $5,500 for research expenses during the coming fiscal year, including travel, equipment, supplies, contractual services, shared facility use, graduate or undergraduate student effort, or stipends during the summer months.
Award applications were open to all faculty members with a rank of assistant professor or above, as well as full-time, non-tenure-track faculty members engaged in substantial research. A committee of UO faculty members appointed by the University Senate provided peer review of the intellectual merit of the proposals and furnished their recommendations and rankings to the vice president for research and innovation.
The 2019 Faculty Research Award recipients:
- Autumn Shafer, and Jesse Abdenour, both assistant professors in the School of Journalism and Communication, “Nonfiction Narratives.”
- Jaques Abelman, assistant professor, School of Architecture and Environment, “Radical Abundance.”
- Stephanie DeAnda, assistant professor, College of Education, “Spoken Language Comprehension: The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Poverty in School Age.”
- Kevin Dicus, assistant professor, Department of Classical Studies, “Comparing statistical measures of diversity among ancient Roman waste assemblages.”
- Ramakrishnan Durairajan, assistant professor, Department of Computer and Information Science, “Mapping the Internet via Crowdsourcing.”
- Trygve Faste, associate professor, Department of Product Design, “Space Mouse Sketch Book.”
- Sangita Gopal, associate professor, Department of Cinema Studies, “Mixed Media: A History of Women’s Filmmaking in India.”
- Deborah Green, associate professor, Department of Religious Studies, “A Rose among the Brambles; Fruit of the Wild Vine: Gardens in Ancient Jewish Interpretation.”
- Gordon Hall, professor, Department of Psychology, “A Patient-Centered Approach to Determine the Cultural Relevance of an Intervention.”
- Jocelyn Hollander, professor, Department of Sociology, “The Impact of Empowerment Self-Defense Training in a Diverse Community Population.”
- Santiago Jaramillo, assistant professor, Department of Biology, “Behavioral assays for studying predictive coding in the mouse brain.”
- Lamia Karim, associate professor, Department of Anthropology, “Raising Cain: Female Factory Workers and Socialization of Sons in the Garment Industry in Bangladesh.”
- Yekang Ko, assistant professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, “Co-designing a Multifunctional Landscape Model for Vulnerable Communities.”
- Dave Markowitz, assistant professor, School of Journalism and Communication, “’I Didn’t Do It’: Communication Patterns of Innocence from Wrongfully-Convicted Criminals.”
- Craig Parsons, professor, Department of Political Science, “Europe's Extraordinary Single Market Project in Transatlantic Perspective.”
- Wes Pope, assistant professor in multimedia journalism, School of Journalism and Communication, “Time Machine: Virtual Reality meets pinhole photography on Route 66.”
- Judith Raiskin, associate professor, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, “The Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project.”
- Margaret Sereno, associate professor, Department of Psychology, “Training Artificial Neural Networks to Navigate Complex Environments Using Maps.”
- Stephen Shoemaker, professor, Department of Religious Studies, “The Qur’anic Canon: Scripture and Authority in Early Islam.”
- Julie Sykes, associate professor, Department of Linguistics, “Measuring Intercultural Competence with Digital Simulations: Validating a Scaled Assessment Model.”
- Lydia Van Dreel, professor of horn, School of Music and Dance, “The Lawrence Graduate Bayreuth-Tuben Quintet (LGBTQ).”
- Claire Wachter, professor of piano pedagogy, School of Music and Dance, “The Sensuous Scarlatti.”
- Lesley Jo Weaver, assistant professor, Department of International Studies, “Women's mental health in South India: A collaborative ethnographic pilot study.”
- Maureen Zalewski, assistant professor, Department of Psychology, “Developing a Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Families with a Parent with Mental Illness.”