Gina Herrmann receives both an NEH grant and a UO Excellence Award for mentorship

Gina Herrmann receives both an NEH grant and a UO Excellence Award for mentorship

June 6, 2017—In a ceremony on the UO campus on Tuesday, the UO Graduate School awarded its Excellence Award for Outstanding Mentorship in Graduate Studies. Herrmann, a CSWS faculty affiliate, is an associate professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Languages. This award goes to “honor faculty and staff who provide the strong mentorship that is essential to strong graduate programs.”

Additionally, Prof. Herrmann was recently notified that she is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for 2017-18 to continue research on her book project, Voices of the Vanquished: Spanish Women on the Left between Franco and Hitler.

Herrmann received a 2015-16 CSWS Faculty Research Grant toward research on this book, which you can learn more about in her article  “Spanish Women in the French Resistance and Ravensbruck” in the 2016 CSWS Annual Review. Here is an excerpt from the book description: “Voices of the Vanquished is comprised of chapters that take readers from the revolutionary early days of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), to the period of the clandestine armed resistance to Franco (1939-1950s), and then on to the French Resistance (1940-45). The study ends with an analysis of oral testimonies of how Spanish, Catalan and French women survived Ravensbrück.”

For more about UO Faculty Award winners, go to: