UO professor Lynn Stephen to lead world Latin America scholars association

UO professor Lynn Stephen to lead world Latin America scholars association

Editor’s Note: Lynn Stephen is a member of the CSWS Advisory Board and a former associate director of CSWS. She is the founding director of the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, which was incubated at CSWS.

March 31, 2017 (from Around the O) — “UO anthropology professor Lynn Stephen, an internationally known Latin America scholar, is in line to lead the largest association of researchers in the field after being elected vice president of the Latin American Studies Association.

Professor Lynn Stephen (right) in Oaxaca, Mexico.

“Stephen will begin a one-year term in June and will then serve as president of the association for a year beginning in June 2018. After that, she’ll spend a year mentoring the next generation of the group’s leaders.

“‘I am honored by my election as future LASA president,’ Stephen said. ‘I will use the office to continue building hemispheric relations in the Americas and beyond in the face of isolationist policy proposals.’”

For the entire story, go to: UO professor to lead world Latin America scholars association | Around the O