Fall 2009
- 10/7 11:30-1:30 CSWS Reception for new women faculty Place: Gerlinger Alumni Lounge, Gerlinger Hall
- 10/21 3-5 pm Rebecca Wanzo (Women’s Studies, Ohio State University), “Salvation in his Arms?: Racial Reconciliation in a ‘Post’-Racial Era” Place: Fir Room, Erb Memorial Union (co-sponsored ES, WGS, CSWS)
- 10/22 3-5 pm “I’d Kiss You Now, but I Have to Save the World!”: Gender and Superheroes Roundtable Place: Browsing Room, Knight Library (co-sponsored WGS, ASUO Women’s Center)
- 10/28 Noon Talk Alisa Freedman, assistant professor, East Asian Languages and Literatures, "Changing Images of Working Women on Japanese Television" Place: 330 Hendricks Hall (Jane Grant Conference Room)
- 11/18 Noon Talk Carol Stabile, Director, CSWS, "Grants Question and Answer Session to apply for CSWS Research Grants" Place: 330 Hendricks Hall (Jane Grant Conference Room)
Winter 2010
- 1/13 Noon Talk noon-1:30 Scott Coltrane, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, “Men and Family Work: What’s Changing, What’s Not” Dean Coltrane has a new article coming out in the journal Sex Roles (Mexican American men and housework/child care), and an article in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences on social policy and men’s family work, and a chapter in a book in the Real Utopias series at University of Wisconsin that asks how gender equality could be promoted via leave and childcare programs. Place: Gumwood Room, Erb Memorial Union
- 2/4 Women of Color Project Event 2:00-4:00 Gina Dent, professor, Feminist Studies, UC Santa Cruz, "Transforming Feminisms" Place: Browsing Room, Knight Library
- 2/10 Noon Talk Jennifer Erickson, graduate student, Anthropology, “Gendered Citizenship and the State in a Neoliberal Era: Refugees and Social Service Organizations in Fargo, North Dakota" Place: 330 Hendricks Hall (Jane Grant Conference Room)
- 3/4 Women of Color Project Event 3:00-5:00 Film: “Finding Face” by filmmaker Patti Duncan, associate professor, Women's Studies, Oregon State University Place: Erb Memorial Union, Ballroom
- 3/10 Noon Talk Deborah Olson, assistant professor, Special Education, “Understanding Disabled Women’s Experience with Abuse” Place: 330 Hendricks Hall (Jane Grant Conference Room)
Spring 2010
6/4 Celebrating Research by Women of Color This event honored University of Oregon women of color faculty whose articles and books were published from 2008 – 2010. Place: Gerlinger Alumni Lounge Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Women of Color Project.
- 4/14 Noon Talk Christina O'Bryan, doctoral candidate, Anthropology, “Gender and Self: Sociospatial Mobility among Afghan Women in Multicultural Vancouver, British Columbia” (tentative title) Place: 330 Hendricks Hall (Jane Grant Conference Room)
- 4/22-4/24 Consoling Passions Conference
- 5/21 Women of Color Project Event 10:00-12:00 Kamala Visweswaran, associate professor, Anthropology and Asian Studies, University of Texas, Austin, “Gendered States: Rethinking Culture as a Site of South Asian Human Rights Work.” This lecture explores the place of culture talk in debates about women’s rights in South Asia, in particular, the nexus between human rights reporting on South Asia, feminist legal theory and gender asylum testimony. Place: Room 125, McKenzie Hall
- 6/2 Noon Talk Bryna Tuft, graduate student/GTF, East Asian Languages and Literatures, “A Fine and Private Place: Literary Privacy and Feminist Politics of the Self in the Works of the Avant-Garde Women Writers” Place: 330 Hendricks Hall (Jane Grant Conference Room)