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Spring 2009
- April 15, 2009 noon to 1:00, 330 Hendricks Hall, Why Indians Do Not Kiss: Conjugality, Nationalism and Film Form in Hindi Cinema, Sangita Gopal, assistant professor, English. This presentation will examine the disappearance of the kiss from the Indian screen in the context of colonial censorship, modernity, nationalism and cinema’s publicness in the first decade of the sound film in Hindi. Part of the Wednesday at Noon Series.
April 27, 2009 12:00 – 1:30 pm, Walnut Room, Erb Memorial Union, University of Oregon, Healing East and West: a Dialogue on Buddhism, Judaism, and Psychotherapy in this Historical Moment … a Conversation. Professor Mark Unno, a specialist in classical Japanese Buddhism who has also published two edited volumes on Buddhism and psychotherapy, and Dr. Jonathan Seidel, a scholar of classical Judaism and Jewish mysticism, will discuss the current interface of these ancient religious traditions with psychotherapy. The focus of the intersection is how they contribute to our understanding of the mind-body problem and the healing of our suffering especially in this particular moment in history (the current economic crisis and global economic situation which is affecting millions) which is fraught with suffering caused by schisms that divide not only mind and body, but spirit and matter, self and other. They will also explore the role of gender in the paradigms of healing.
- April 29, 2009 noon to 1:00, 330 Hendricks Hall, From War to Hurricane Katrina: Women’s Untold Stories, Gennie Thi Nguyen Part of the Wednesday at Noon Series.
- May 13, 2009 noon to 1:00, 330 Hendricks Hall, Forests and Women’s Lives: Locating Rural Women’s Power in the Context of Natural Resource Access in Mozambique, Ingrid Nelson, Geography. Part of the Wednesday at Noon Series.
- May 28, 2009 3:30 p.m., Knight Law Building, Room 110, Making Rights a Reality – website launch event. For more information contact “csws (at)” (541) 346-5015 Sponsored by the CSWS Americas RIG and several UO departments.
- A Glimpse of Latin America Through My Films Wednesday April 29, 2009, 3:30 p.m. Walnut Room in the Erb Memorial Union, University of Oregon. Independent would be speaking about her film work, and the experiences and connections between Latin America and Latinos in the U.S.. Portillo is a Chicana nationally and internationally award winning filmmaker. Some of her films include 1986 Oscar nominated Las Madres: The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, The Devil Never Sleeps (1994), and Missing Young Woman (2001).
- Film Screening: “Missing Young Woman” (2001). Thursday April 30 at 7 p.m. 182 Lillis Hall, University of Oregon. The search for truth in the hundreds of cases of murdered young women in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Film Screening as part of the Latin American Studies Program Spring 2009 Film Series “Gender and Sexuality in Latin America.” Sponsored by CSWS, CLLAS, Oregon Humanities Center, Latin American Studies, School of Journalism and Communication, Ethnic Studies, English, Romance Language, ASUO Women’s Center, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
- Philosophical Inquiry into Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering Conference May 14-16, 2009 Keynote Speakers: Lisa Guenther (Vanderbilt University), and Eva Kittay (State University of New York at Stony Brook) with invited speaker Andrea O’Reilly (the Association for Research on Mothering, York University). For more information go to: Sponsored by the Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering Research Interest Group, sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon Graduate School, the Oregon Humanities Center, the Department of Philosophy, and the Graduate Student Philosophy Club.
- Male Friendship and Male Homosexuality in Late Imperial China, Martin W. Huang May 15, 2009, 3:30 p.m. Lillis Hall, room 175, University of Oregon. This talk will focus on two current research areas: “Male Bonding in Late Imperial China,” and “Men in Mourning: Bereavement, Memory and Gender in late Imperial China.” For more information go to:
- Earth Matters on Stage – a Symposium Time: afternoon (TBA) Hope Theatre (the new theater near the Robinson Theatre). May 28th: Reading of Salmon is Everything, followed by a Roundtable on Environmental Justice May 29th: Indigenous Theatre. Panel: Kathy McCovey (KarukTribe), Mary Campbell (Hupa Tribe), Julie Pearson-Little Thunder (University of Oklahoma (Creek), and Marcie R. Rendon (White Earth Anishinabe). Contact: Theresa May, Theatre Arts, (541) 346-1789