Mam women flee rural violence, seek gendered justice

New journal article by Lynn Stephen

Fleeing rural violence: Mam women seeking gendered justice in Guatemala and the U.S.

by Lynn Stephen. Journal of Peasant Studies, 46(2): 229-257. January 2019.

Dr. Stephen’s uses the concept of gendered embodied structures of violence as the analytical framework for illustrating how in rural Huehuetenango, Guatemala, historical and contemporary structures and processes of violence which center the normalization of multiple forms of implied or actual physical and sexual violence against women (and often other men and children) continue to undermine efforts to strengthen women's rights and provide access to safety and justice for women. Overlapping structures of primarily male power suggest the difficulty of separating state and non-state actors from the vectors of violence affecting women. This article contributes to emerging literature on indigenous women's access to justice in Latin America through adding a transnational lens to this discussion and suggesting why we cannot separate pubic from private violence and state from non-state actors.