GNMT Symposium Summary

The Gender, New Media, and Technology RIG (now called FEMBOT) hosted the symposium “Feminist Publishing in the Digital Age” on October 14 - 15, 2011.

The RIG sponsored five visiting speakers for the event: Professor Kim Sawchuk, Concordia University: Communication Studies; Professor Radhika Gajjala, Bowling Green State University: Communication Studies and Cultural Studies; Jacquie Wallace and Mél Hogan, both PdD students from Concordia University: Communication Studies; and Professor Carol Stabile, University of Oregon, English, SOJC, and WGS. Each gave a presentation during the symposium and participated in discussions that occurred over the two days. These speakers have also been involved closely in the development of the Fembot Collective and its forthcoming journal, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology.

The presentations at the symposium inspired vibrant conversations engaging issues such as the future of digital publication, labor practices and access, and maintaining feminist politics in a limited, occasionally hostile academic publishing environment. Several presenters gave hands-on advice about teaching with new media objects and theory as well as ideas for using social media and digital tools to craft a Web presence and portfolio useful for applying for jobs.

We will continue many of the discussions enabled by the symposium via email lists (contact us if you would like t be added!), videoconference meetings, and collaboration on the Fembot Collective’s projects Dirty Laundry—regular, curated editorial responses to current cultural issues and events—and academic journal, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology. Continue to check the CSWS site for updates as well as Fembot’s site-in-progress: